Thursday, September 17, 2009

Customer Spotlight: Lolo and Mamala

I had a request a while back to customize some of my three reasons cards for a customer, which I was very happy to do. Instead of "Mom" the buyer had asked that I put in "Lolo" and "Mamala" for the names.


Anyway, I was so pleased to get this very nice note (with explanation) from her this week:

Hi Molly,

Thank you SO SO much for the 3 mechanical cards I ordered. I am filipino and in our language, 'lolo' means grandpa and 'lola' means grandma. My mum didn't want to be called lola as she thought it made her sound old so she is known as Mamala to my son.

The cards were a great hit. Mums birthday was on the 1st of Sept, Fathers day on the 6th. So the cards went to both my mum and dad and the hero one went to my husband for fathers day.

They were all written as if they were from Xavier (my son) so for the million reasons there were things like 'I can do anything I want and never get into trouble' (one of the reasons for Mum's card); 'When you carry me and introduce me to all your friends, I feel very proud because I know how proud you are to be my lolo' (one of the reasons for dads card); and 'You work hard everyday so mummmy can stay home and spend time with me' (for my husband's)

They were loved by everyone and dad has his displayed in his office..

Thank you once again!

Aren't those great reasons?

Thanks, Faye, for allowing me to share your note with my readers!

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