I came across an etsy post in which the writer wrote about using OttLite light bulbs for her product shots.
Taking photos using natural light has always been the best solution for me. Even using the light tent that I constructed using an Ikea hamper always requires a whole bunch of fiddling in Photoshop to adjust the colors as otherwise they're quite yellow. If I really want to take a nice photograph, my best option has always been to wait for a sunny day and take it outside, however living the in the Pacific Northwest (and working during the day on most days), I often don't always get that opportunity.
Not any more!
After reading that post, I headed out immediately and purchased some of the bulbs she mentioned (get the ones with the regular base. OttLite makes a series of bulbs that only work with their lighting fixtures but these are a ton more expensive. The ones with a regular base will work with your own light fixtures). I found them at Lowe's with a little bit of help.
After running home and doing a lot of screwing (of light bulbs, that is!), I eagerly starting snapping photos.
The picnic basket, below, which I shot for my Crafty Space Makeover, was shot with no flash, just a couple of Ottlite bulbs pointed at it. There was absolutely no color correction or fiddling in Photoshop (other than cropping).
What a difference!
Even my photographer-husband was impressed (he'd informed me that all consumer-grade bulbs would create light that would require some color correction).
My new photo setup includes two swing arm lamps with 100 watt equivalent bulbs and one desk lamp with a 60 watt equivalent bulb. I'm looking forward to much better product shots soon (when I have the time, that is!)!
I know that other people have had luck with using full-spectrum bulbs by other manufacturers, but, for now, I'm sticking with the OttLite brand. I'm a believer!
Molly, yes, the changing of the bulbs did it for me too! Now if I only had time to rephoto some things...
Thanks for the tip!
Great post Molly, they are sharing it again on the EtsyGreetings google group.
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