One of these coworkers is Chinese, like me. I knew that she'd appreciate my Chinese New Year's Year of the Ox Cards, so I whipped one out to show her. She was so impressed with it that I insisted that she keep it, as a parting gift.
She was delighted and when she returned, she showed it to other coworkers.
One of these is a miniature pig buff, who contacted me to see if I would be willing to create a set of pig cards for her annual National Pig Day event (yes, there IS actually a national pig day -- better start your shopping now!).
The result is the prancing pig card that I've just posted to etsy. Take a look!
So, the moral is: be generous with your work and the universe will reward you.
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Molly, you are unbe-freeking-lieveable! The hits just keep on comin'!!!
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