Yowza! I finally got nice photos of the Chinese New Year's cards taken this morning and posted two options on etsy: a single card for $3.50 or a pack of ten for $30. After running some errands, I checked my email and was elated to discover that one of my single cards had sold!
I've never had that kind of immediate gratification before (I've always had to wait weeks or months. And no one, to date, has purchased my Interactive Beer Congratulations card yet, which is what started this whole thing).
Anyway, I ran around quite dazzled, eager to put the package together and get it off first thing in the morning.
When that was done, I sat down to check my email "to see if I'd sold anything else," and, by gum, I had! I'd actually sold a pack of ten cards!
So, this has been a good day for sales for me.
I was sharing my news with a friend who asked me what my profit margin was on something like this. The cost of the card stock, envelope and ink ends up being only about $.40 or so, which, for $3.00 for each card in the ten pack, sounds like a tidy profit until you factor in the time it takes to cut and assemble each invitation. Even paying myself at minimum wage, I'm not making a huge profit.
Also, factor in the fact that in order to make these cards, I had to spend $40 on deep red card stock (for 250 sheets, which will keep me "in the red" for a good long time!), so currently, I'm in the hole for these cards.
So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more sales this month so I can at least break even! And, honestly, part of it's just the thrill of designing something that people actually like enough to spend money on!
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